Thursday, May 6, 2010

SSH without a password

To ssh without a password you need to create a public/private key pair on the server you are performing the ssh from.

To create a DSA key use the following command (-t indicates the type of key to be created):
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa

To create an RSA key use the following command:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

If you accepted the default file in which to save the key you should find that a new file would have been created under the .ssh folder on the server called or depending on the type of key chosen.

On the remote server copy the contents of or into a file called authorized_keys under the .ssh folder:
$ vi authorized_keys

If you are manually creating the .ssh folder on the remote server change the permissions on the folder as follows:
$ chmod 700 .ssh

You should now be able to ssh into the remote server (from the server that you created your public/private key).

N.B. your home directory must only have read and execute permissions for other users and should not have write permissions e.g. drwxr-xr-x. To change your home directory to have this permissions run the following command from the home/ directory:
$ chmod 755 username

If you are using a Windows OS you can do something similar by using putty-gen to create a public/private key and setting up your ssh client (putty, SecureCRT, etc.) to use the key to login to the remove server.

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