Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Setting a proxy server in Tomcat

Add the following lines to the catalina.properties file (N.B. These settings are for Unix systems. It may be different for Windows.)

http.proxyHost=[proxy ip address or dns]
[proxy port]
[all hosts for which a proxy is not required (delimit each host with a '|']


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

scp: ambiguous target

I was attempting to secure copy a file over a remote server and I encountered the following error:
$ scp file.txt user@ip_address:"/file path/"
scp: ambiguous target

So after some trial and error I discovered the problem was the space " " in the path to which I was attempting to copy the file to (despite having put the path within quotes).

To solve this problem you need to escape the space e.g.
$ scp file.txt user@ip_address:"/file\ path/"